1. Check the bladder in the Breathing Belt is fully deflated. Wrap the Breathing Rate Belt round the chest of the person whose breathing rate is going to be measured. Arrange the Belt so the Data Harvest printed label is positioned in front resting over the base of the rib cage (as shown in the diagram Fig 1.0).
  2. Place the end of the Belt with the long length of looped Velcro against the test subjects back (fabric side down). Bring the other end (with the short length of hooked Velcro) over to fasten the Velcro strips together and hold the Belt firmly in place.
    • Note: If the Belt is fastened when the test subject is slumped over in a chair or breathing out then it will be too slack to give good results. Ideally the Belt should be fitted while the test subject is breathing in slightly to get a ‘snug’ enough fit.
  1. Push the open-ended rubber tube into the port marked P1 on the Gas Pressure Sensor.
    • Note: If connected to P1, values will be in the positive range, if the other port is used values will be negative.
  1. Close the thumbscrew valve on the pump bulb by turning it clockwise as far as it will go.
  2. With the test subject in position e.g. sitting upright in a chair, squeeze the pump bulb to pump air into the Belts bladder until the Belt is pressed firmly against the abdomen but is still comfortable.
  3. Allow the test subject to sit for a couple of minutes to get used to the apparatus and the tension of the belt.
  4. Start the EasySense2 app; select one of the logging modes e.g. EasyLog from the Home page. Select Test Mode from the Tools menu. 
  5. Check the value from the Gas Pressure Sensor – the aim is to get a value of around 5 kPa in mid breath position, alternatively increasing and decreasing over a range of about 2 to 3 kPa from this value when the test subject is breathing in and out normally. This value will be varied by how tightly the belt was initially wrapped round the subject. If the range is less than 1 kPa it may be necessary to tighten the Belt or to pump more air into the bladder.
  6. Once normal breathing results in a pressure range of 2 to 3 kPa or more you will be ready to begin an investigation.
  7. If more than one recording is to be conducted on the same graph select Overlay. 
  8. If the investigation requires exercise to be undertaken disconnect the Pressure Sensor from its connection to the sensor cable (not the Belt connection) to allow the test subject to move around.
  9. When the investigation is complete release the air pressure in the bladder by slowly turning the thumbscrew valve counter clockwise. Remove the Belt. You may need to apply gentle pressure to the air bladder to completely deflate the Belt.